Would you love to run a joyful, profitable & big-hearted photography business?

A business that fits around your own busy life. One that delights both yourself and your clients.

You love photographing families.
You just wish running your own business wasn't so damn hard. 

There is SO much information out there. You just don't know who to listen to or where to start. 

You just wish someone would take you by the hand and show you exactly what to do and in which order.  

“After this course, I came away with a whole new mindset for how to run a thriving, professional and profitable business. One that fits my life and brings me and my clients joy. Vicki is very generous with her knowledge and experience and has been supportive throughout. I would highly recommend her course. ”

Aby Rafter

“This course was fantastic! I have benefitted from having the time to really break down my business and implement so many new things that I have learnt along the way. The course is broken down so each step isn't overwhelming and the support and help from Vicki has been wonderful. ”

Emma Fletcher

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You’re panicking as you’re currently staring at a nearly empty diary and you have no idea where the bookings are going to come from.
  • You’re overwhelmed with all of the conflicting information and business advice available and don’t know where to start.
  • You know you’re not charging enough to be profitable, but you’re scared to put your prices up in case no-one ever books you again!
  • You keep hearing that you need to do in-person sales to make a success out of family photography, but you just don’t want to do it. You’d love to make more out of online galleries, but you just don’t know how.
  • You’re feeling burnt out, you’re spending too much time working and not enough time with your family, friends or looking after yourself. And you’re not making enough money to make it worthwhile.
  • Marketing scares you and feels a bit slimy. You just don’t know where to start….website, Instagram, Facebook advertising, networking, mailing list…..aaaarrgghh!

Can you relate to any (if not all!) of these? I totally understand. 

I have had most of these worries and struggles at some point in the 13 years that I’ve run my photography business.

Through investment in training, reading a ton of business books and experimenting, I’ve learnt strategies and techniques to get me to the point I’m at now….running a profitable business, shooting what I love, whilst having a balanced life with time for my family, my friends and myself.

Would you love me to take you by the hand and show you exactly what I’ve learnt? Would you love a simple to follow, step by step guide for what you need to do to run a thriving family photography business that suits you and your life?

Yes? Then I'm glad you've found your way here! 


“This programme is full of lightbulb moments and expert knowledge. The course is so well laid-out and I love that you can re-watch the videos. I've loved every second of this programme and it's exceeded all my expectations. It's definitely been worth it's weight in gold and I've totally got my mojo back! ”

Moira Goodger

“I loved the way the course was spread out, and I looked forward to that next email telling me the next module was live. This meant I could focus on one area at a time, so I wasn't too overwhelmed which worked really well and helped me to take action. Vicki communicated in a clear, easily understandable way, without any fluff. Just pure help, advice, action and feedback. I really really enjoyed the course, and am so sad it's over!”

Lindsey Robertson

About Vicki

I've been running my own thriving family photography business since 2008.

I've had 15 years to experiment with different strategies and techniques in my business, to make it the thriving business that it is today.

I'm a big believer in creating a business that  brings you joy and fits in with your life and your values. If you're looking for hardcore Facebook ad strategies and hustling for 50 hours a week, then this isn't the course for you!

I've been doing 1-2-1 training with photographers for the past 8 years and have ran my Delight Retreats & workshops since 2016 to rave reviews. I also co-hosted the leading podcast for people photographers, Shoot Edit Chat Repeat. 

My work has been internationally published and I've spoken at Europe's largest photography conference a number of times. 

Prior to setting up my photography business, I had a 10 year career working in the advertising/sales/marketing industry. I'm obsessed with business and psychology, I've recently trained in NLP and Positive Psychology.

I believe that my career in marketing & sales, my 15 years of running a successful photography business and my coaching training, gives me the perfect experience to help you make your business the success you dream of.  

I take all of this experience and knowledge, and share with you my strategies and techniques that I know work in a family photography business. 

Introducing...... The Thriving Family Photographer

My complete training programme to build a flourishing photography business that you love

This course  takes you step-by-step through the exact process that you need to run a thriving family photography business. You can go through the content in the time-frame to suit you.

If you want to power through it in a few weeks, great. If you'd rather take your time over 6 months, then you do that. The time frame I would recommend is 7 weeks - 1 week for each module. 

I'll walk you through the exact steps you need to be taking to attract your dream clients and run a profitable business that fits around your life.

These are the exact processes and strategies that I’ve learnt over the past 13 years and use in my business to ensure my sessions are always booked up. I'll hold nothing back! 

Because you’re done with feeling overwhelmed, wondering when the next booking is coming from and not making enough money from the amount of hours you are putting in to your business.

“Thank you so, so much for an amazing course. The course really made me pause to look at every element of my business in detail. I have implemented a price increase already and structured my price list to ensure I'm always selling products, not just digitals. Vicki's methods 100% supported me in doing this. It's something I've wanted to do for ages but have struggled with the 'how to'. I loved that the material challenged me as well to really examine what I could be doing better. If anyone is considering taking this course they should dive in! ”

Arleen Bathgate

“I really loved this course as it covered every aspect of running a family photograpy business and how you can look to change things in your business to run efficiently. Most importantly I learnt how to get closer to attracting my ideal client. Vicki shared information in a really fun and informative way - the videos were packed with lots of information, delivered with worksheets and supporting links to really make sure we had all the tools in place to make our businesses shine. ”

Hiral Jethwa

What you'll learn on the programme

  • How to find your own magic, your unique style and the mindset shift you need to create a thriving business

  • How to create an irresistible brand that feels perfectly right for you

  • How to attract your clients with big-hearted marketing

  • How to communicate with style and clarity...never be stuck knowing what to say again!

  • How to ensure all of your shoots are a success

  • How to make sure all of your clients are completely delighted with the experience

  • My proven strategies and processes for being more productive & growing your business

“I LOVED Vicki's programme. She is so personable and I have come away with a clarity I never thought possible. I now have actionable steps to run my dream photography business whilst eliminating all of the overwhelm that comes with being a business owner. I can't wait to implement everything I have learnt! ”

Kelly Rabie

“This course has really reignited my passion for my family photography business. It's opened my eyes to producing an immersive website, offering beautiful & timeless products, a seamless workflow and most importantly aligning my brand and business. Really recommend this course and tapping into Vicki's industry know how! ”

Emma Tarn

What do the modules include?


In this first module, you’ll discover what your own special magic is. There are powerful exercises which will help you to find out what makes you different from other photographers, and to reveal what your own unique photography style is. This module will keep you focused and set you up to succeed. 


“This was my favourite module and gave me the most, "Aha!" moments. In this module I discovered so much about my personality type and my unique superpowers. Before I wasn't entirely sure how I stood out or what set me apart from every other photographer. Vicki made it so easy and clear to not only define my unique and approach as an artist, but also how to communicate it to my ideal client.”
Tanae Sorenson


In this module you’ll learn how to create a brand that is irresistible to your dream clients. You’ll get under the skin of your ideal clients and learn how to be magnet to them. 

You’ll discover your brand personality and how to ensure this shines through in everything you do. We’ll also talk about your visual identity and ensure that is perfectly aligned to you and your brand personality.

 "I found this module tough but so helpful in attracting the right type of clients. Finding who your business soulmate is and how important they are to making your business grow was very eye opening. Being concise and approachable within your marketing whilst appealing to your business soulmate is something that I hadn't thought of. The way Vicki makes you think differently has been amazing, its logical and informative I've been very grateful to be apart of this programme."

Lucy Harrington


If you’ve struggled with your pricing (hasn’t everyone?!) then this module will give you the clarity you’ve been dreaming about.

 We will talk about money mindset and the psychology of pricing. I’ll share with you my exact process for using online galleries to make sales that will make you do a happy dance around your kitchen. 

I’ll then go through exactly how to create a price list that excites your clients and delivers you the profits you desire.  


"This module was a game changer and instantly made me realise that I wasn't charging enough. Having identified my dream client and working out packages I know feel so much happier saying  MY prices out loud. Still have a long way to go but this week I booked in two family shoots at the highest package I have ever offered."
 Moira Goodger


"This is every photographers stumbling block. We all doubt our prices and just need to back ourselves. Vicki explained it brilliantly and the worksheets were so incredible helpful. Vicki explained the reasoning and the thought process behind how to price for profit which once you sit back and start adding the figures up you can see that it makes complete sense."
Lucy Harrington


 In this module you’ll discover how to write engaging copy to attract your dream clients. You'll learn the 7 steps to a powerful website that converts to bookings and how to create a powerful about me page that makes people ache to work with you.

"This module has been invaluable. I now know how to talk to my business soul mate and how to make myself approachable and likeable to my clients without being too pushy or in your face."
Lucy Harrington


"Communicating with Clarity was my favourite module - it was so insightful to carry out work on who is my ideal clients and how to directly communicate with them. It's so easy to get lost in the social media world and I do get overwhelmed. This module help me see how I need to strip back my thinking and stay focus on simply talking to my ideal client and not everyone."
Hiral Jethwa 


Now you know who your business clients are, you need to find out how to reach them! In this module, I show you how to become a magnet to your dream clients. 

You'll learn what big-hearted marketing is and how to do it, and you'll discover the 4 marketing strategies that have made my family photography business the success it is today. 

I talk you through how to create compelling content that will entice your dream clients, my top social media tips and how to create a marketing plan (more exciting than it sounds, I promise!) 


 "Learning new ways of attracting your dream client was great, there were so many different marketing tips compared to what you usually hear these days and with good reason! I definitely feel like my eyes have been opened to some possibilities I wouldn't have even considered before!"
Lindsey Robertson 


"I've thought about my dream client before but yours was honestly the first course I've taken that's helped me to really drill it down and understand how the marketing/blogging actions I take can help me attract them."
Hannah Brooke 


In this module I talk you through how you can set yourself up for success on a shoot. You’ll be able to do my powerful visualisation meditation which utilises NLP to set you up for a successful shoot. 

I also talk you through the flow of my family shoots with visual examples and prompts, so you’ll never go blank again!



In this final module of the programme I talk you through the steps you need to take to grow your business and get a business that works for you and not the other way round. 

I talk you through how to convert more enquiries…if you sometimes struggle with clients ghosting you, you need to hear this!

I share my tips for ensuring every single one of your clients isn’t just happy with the experience, they’re completely delighted!

You’ll discover how to stay busy in the quieter months and my secret productivity tips to ensure that you work smarter not harder.

“If you, like me, are a photographer who shies away from any part of your photography business other than taking photos, then this is the course for you! Vicki has an enormous wealth of knowledge about how to make your photography business thrive. From determining your brand, to sorting your pricing, creating a website, attracting your dream clients and making and keeping them happy! Vicki is an amazing teacher, who is willing to impart all of her knowledge in an easy to understand way. She will answer any question you have and tailors the course to the individual. I cannot recommend this course highly enough. ”

Sue Walker-Nix

“Vicki has created a comprehensive business course which is invaluable to any family photographer and immediately relieves any feelings of overwhelm. She is also just a lovely person and very generous with her knowledge gained from running her own thriving photography business. I'd highly recommend Vicki and this course. It's not a one-size-fits-all plan but a personalised approach to help you discover and achieve your individual photography ambitions. ”

Jayne Douglas

“I can wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone who is either just starting out or who needs a boost in their current photography business. The course content is comprehensive, yet structured not to be overwhelming. Vicki is generous with her knowledge and was on hand to answer questions throughout. I have come away feeling confident and excited to implement what I have learnt. ”

Louisa Gotts

And that's not all!

You'll also get these brilliant bonuses included in the price

  •  Bonus trainings with my 2 guests experts (value £50)
  • 2 Lightroom presets & 'reflector' brush from Eddie Judd (value £25)
  • 3 recorded guided meditations
  • Lifetime access to my private Facebook group for ongoing support. Vicki will be there to answer any questions you have as you go through the course. (priceless!)

“Vicki’s artistic approach is beautiful, but it was her skills as a business woman that I wanted to learn from and the experience did not disappoint. Vicki was extremely generous with her knowledge, skillfully sharing the techniques and thought-processes behind how she runs her business. I would recommend working with Vicki in any capacity in a heartbeat. ”

Iana Chtefan

“ The Delight & Dream programme was just what I needed to bring my business to the next level and focus on the things that were really important in making my business a success. I have learnt so much that I can instantly apply to my business and improve not only my way of working, but also my work life balance.”

Eimear O'Donnell

Pricing options

“I really loved this program. I signed up hoping to feel more confident as a photographer and wanting simple tools to help me start and run a successful photography business. I got both of those and so much more! The modules and action items in this course have been so helpful, straightforward, and exactly what I was looking for. I feel excited and ready to get my booty into gear and start this business I've been dreaming of! Thank you so much Vicki for all the wonderful tools, tips, advice, and the incredible amount of time you've put into this program! I am overwhelmed and grateful for the amazing amount of content and information you have given us in this program. I still have so much work to do to get where I want this business of mine to be, but you have made an overwhelming undertaking feel doable and fun! Thank you! ”

Tanae Sorenson

“This course was fab and exciting! I had lots of fun learning all the information you had to give and I'm really grateful for it. All your videos were brilliant I think you're a natural. I enjoyed every bit, thank you!”

Aleks Fenner

What's included

  • 7 modules including everything you need to know to run a thriving family photography business

  • Over 7 hours of dynamic video training for you to consume in your own timeframe

  • Action-taking worksheets for each module so you can see the benefits straight away

  • Access to our private Facebook group where Vicki is on hand to answer any questions you have

  • Bonus training content from my 2 guest experts including PR & editing workflow

  • Get access to Vicki's full list of resources and suppliers

“Signing up to this course has been the best thing to happen to the professional me for many years. The improvement in my confidence and mindset was pretty instant. I was worried that I wouldn’t be right for the course, but Vicki has created something very special here that truly could be taken at my own pace. The way the content is structured is very organic, so each module builds on the last, which is motivating instead of overwhelming or intimidating. I feel like a very different business owner & photographer now than I did just 7 short weeks ago. Vicki is a very natural & generous teacher, and I know that when I next need to take a step forward in my business, I will undoubtedly approach her for mentoring or 1-2-1 coaching. Thank you for making this pitch-perfect photographers course. ”

Emma Mathieson

“I loved it! The pace of the course was perfect for me. It gave me hard milestones to hit and work towards. I guarantee without these I would still be in a state of analysis paralysis. The content is fantastic. Vicki shares everything and was incredibly helpful in resetting my business to where it needs to be. I am now very excited for the future. Thanks Vicki. ”

Matt Trott

Sign up now to get immediate access to the course

You've got questions? Great, I've got answers!

  • Will I get overwhelmed by the amount of content?

    There is a lot of content in the course but it's all designed in a step-by-step way to make it easy for you to follow. There are worksheets for each module for you to work through so you'll know your action steps. There is around 7 hours in total of training, so you could go through this in a few weeks and action all of the points in between. Or you could space it out over a number of months. The great thing about a course like this is you have lifetime access, so you can come back to any of the content whenever you like.

  • How much time do I need to dedicate to the training each week?

    The program is designed to be spread over around 7 weeks, so that you have time to implement the strategies and processes into your own business. You will have lifetime access to all of the course content, so if you want to do it quicker or space it out over a few months, that's totally fine too. Ideally you would invest around 3-5 hours of your time to the program each week over 7 weeks, in order to get the most out of it. That includes watching the training content, completing the worksheets and taking time to action the learnings within your business. The more time you are able to invest in the course each week, and actioning the steps in your business, the more you will get out of it. But the great thing is that you have lifetime access to the content, so it's totally up to you how long it takes!

  • I haven't started my business yet, can I still take the program?

    The program involves some advanced strategies, but there's no reason at all why you can't join. It's a great idea to start your business right, straight from the beginning. I wish a program like this had been available when I started my business back in 2008!

  • I've been in business for a long time, but struggling to make a success of it. Will this programme still be suitable for me?

    Yes definitely. I have been through this program with photographers who have been in business for over a decade, and they've all seen brilliant results. If your business is struggling in one area, there is usually a reason why. This program will help you get to the bottom of what that is, and get your business to where you want it to be.

  • I'm nervous about investing this much money on myself and my business

    I understand. It can be nerve-racking to invest in yourself. But how will you ever move forward in your business without investing in it? Training is one of the best investments you can make in your business. And if you action the tips and strategies I teach, I'm certain you'll make the money back in your business very quickly. If you think you only need to make an additional £100 from your next 4 family shoots and you'll make the money back that you invested in the course. I'm confident the pricing module alone will help you achieve this.

  • I'm worried I'm not good enough....

    Ah the good old imposter syndrome! If you are concerned that your photography isn't at the right level to invest in a business course, I'm more than happy to look over your portfolio first and let you know if I feel like you would benefit from investing in technical photography training first. Just email me at [email protected] with a link to your work if you'd like some reassurance before you sign up. In this programme, I don't teach the technicalities of shooting. There is a module about shooting where I talk about how to manage a shoot and create a brilliant experience & results for your clients. But if you are looking for a course just about the technicalities of shooting then this isn't it. This programme is more focused on your mindset and the business side of running a photography business...and delighting our clients is at the core of that. If you struggle with self-confidence, then that's one of the reasons you should sign up. This programme will massively help you with that as you can see from the lovely testimonials I've received.

  • Is there any support included?

    You'll have my support within our private Facebook group where you can ask me any questions as you work your way through the content. Everyone in the group has also been through the course content, so they will be very supportive. If you are looking for some 121 support in addition to the course, I also offer 121 business boost calls solely for my course members. Email me at [email protected] for more details.

  • Did this course used to be called Delight & Dream?

    Yes well spotted! I used to run this as a 7 week group training programme called Delight & Dream. Due to my other shooting commitments and also running the podcast (and my family!) I was only able to run this programme once a year in Jan. I used to get emails from photographers at other times of the year who wanted to join, so I decided to turn it into a self-paced course with my support within our private Facebook group.

  • I really need & want this course, but I just can't afford it

    I want help as many photographers as I can to run thriving businesses. So please email me at [email protected] with a few details about your situation and perhaps we can work something out.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed this programme. It has given me lots to think about and a to do list as long as my arm but I know that it will all be worth it once I have implemented all of the changes into my business. The knowledge that Vicki has is incredible. I was concerned that as I am fairly new in starting my photography business that I would be out of my depth and unable to keep up with the course. There is a lot of information to take in but the fact that we have lifetime access to the course is so helpful. I would just like to thank Vicki for sharing her thoughts, processes and knowledge with us all, I have gained so much from this course. I would recommend this course to any photographer that wants to delight and attract their dream clients. ”

Lucy Harrington

“I thought the programme was fantastic. It was worth its weight in gold and I now feel more confident about the direction my business is headed. ”

Hannah Brooke